5 Things You Need To Know About Loan & Trade Financing

Loan & Trade Financing enables import and export transactions for a wide range of companies, from small businesses importing private-label products from abroad for the first time to multinational corporations importing or exporting large amounts of inventory around the world each year.

A Fact About Loan & Trade Financing

Small businesses often have very limited access to loans or other forms of temporary financing to cover the cost of goods they plan to purchase or sell. Even if they did, many banks would not offer loan or overdraft protection for this type of transaction.

Things You Need To Know About Loan & Trade Financing

Trade finance covers various types of activities such as issuing letters of credit, financing, export credits, financing and factoring. A variety of parties are involved in the trade finance process, including buyers and sellers, trade financiers, export credit agencies, and insurance companies.

1. Trade finance lowers the risk of nonpayment.

In the early days of international trade, many exporters were uncertain whether, when and when importers would pay for their goods. For a long time, exporters have tried to find ways to mitigate the risk of non-payment from importers. Importers, on the other hand, were also concerned about advance payments for goods from exporters, as there was no guarantee that they would actually ship the goods.

2. Reduce the pressure on importers and exporters alike.

Trade finance has bridged the financial gap between importers and exporters and has led to explosive growth in economies around the world. Exporters no longer fear importer default and are confident that all ordered goods were shipped by the exporter as verified by the trade financier.

3. A wide range of trade finance products and services

Trade finance providers, such as banks and other financial institutions, offer a wide variety of products and services to suit the needs of different types of businesses and transactions.

This indicates that the bank will pay the exporter/distributor immediately once the exporter submits all the shipping documents, as stipulated in the importer’s purchase contract. A promise is made to the business. A Bank Guarantee: If the importer or exporter fails to meet the terms of the contract, the bank acts as a guarantor. The bank takes the initiative to pay the amount to the beneficiary.

4. Factoring in trade finance

This is a very popular method used by issuers as a way to speed up cash flow. In this type of contract, the issuer sells all outstanding invoices to business financiers (workers) at a discounted price. Workers then wait until payment is made by the importer. This relieves the issuer of bad debt risk and provides working capital to continue trading. The factor then makes a profit when the importer pays the agreed price of the goods in full, as the exporter has sold the receivables to the factoring company at a discounted price.

5. Confiscation 

It is a form of agreement in which the issuer sells all receivables to a distributor at a certain discounted price in exchange for cash. In doing so, the exporter transfers its liability to the importer to the agent. The importer’s bank must guarantee the receivables purchased by the customer. This is because the importer takes the goods on credit and sells them before paying the freight.